Sunday, 14 February 2016

How Patin Fish Farming

How Patin Fish Farming
How Aquaculture Catfish, Catfish is a fish species belong to a group whiskered fish, (Siluriformes) Included in (Genus Pangasius), (Family Pangasiidae) Name of catfish are also pinned on one anggotanya.Ada two types of catfish are very well known today that ordinary catfish and catfish Siamese, many are calling it jambal conjoined.How Patin Fish Farming

Types of fish in freshwater is quite a lot of this jumlahnya.Saat our society there is a hobby that has also become part of their business, and maketh as looking back alive nafkah.Sekarang fish catfish become very popular throughout Indonesia, from cities to remote villages .Menu cooking catfish also have been entrenched in the food stalls.

How Livestock CatfishHow easy Patin Fish FarmingCatfish is a fish that is not flaky like catfish, dagingya very tasteful, has some sort of sharp spines on the fins. And both of them belonging to the group (catfish). There is also a mention of this catfish catfish catfish bangkok.Kabar good is more easily cultivated because it is not a cannibal fish species as well as fish lele.Budidaya Catfish also a Successful Business Opportunity. Here we submit articles How Fish Culture Patin.Selamat listening.
Technical Cultivation Patin
Catfish culture is actually relatively easy, so you do not have to hesitate and falter if you are interested in farming catfish catfish tersebut.Pertamanya fulfillment only rely on the way the arrest of rivers, lakes and swamps .. Along with the increasing public interest in catfish ranging in cultivated in ponds such as, pools and ponds with soil dug from the tarp.Opportunities stretcher catfish farming can be done in two areas of activity such as, hatchery, and enlargement as consumption activities. Hatchery is an attempt to produce seeds at a certain size. Catfish culture fulfillment of these seeds are sufficient to meet good prospects for the demand for seedlings is also quite large.
Budidayaikan catfish as seed inventory requires a relatively short time so that the velocity of capital can be brought forward. Catfish culture is in the category of enlargement which is usually done at the time the seeds of catfish weighing 8-12 grams / tail. And after 6 months can reach 600-700 grams / ekonya. as catfish farmers have harvested after 3 to 4 months old because the market demand for catfish with lower weight per fish. Catfish culture as seeds and fish consumption have a business opportunity Equally advantageous. Well depending on your choice which one is more profitable and feasible. Catfish culture requires some requirements and optimal environmental conditions for growth and perkembangan.Buat your requirements catfish culture as follows below.
a. Good ground for pool maintenance and catfish culture is: A kind of clay / Clay. Not a pivot, soil types can be powerful defense minister and a large mass of water and does not leak so that it can be made as an embankment or a wall.
b. The slope of the land is good for making a pool ranging from 3-5% to facilitate irrigation pond by gravity.
c. If the enlargement is done with nets catfish floating in the river pairs the right location is an air stream flows slowly.
d. Maintenance of water quality for catfish should be clean. not too muddy and not mix toxic chemicals. and oils or plant waste. And water quality should continue to be noticed, to avoid the onset of fungus and others. It is necessary to add a solution of inhibiting the growth of fungi (Emolin or Blitzich With a dose of 0.05 cc / Liter).
e. The water temperature was good at the time of hatching the eggs become larvae in aquariums is between 26-28 degrees C. In the areas that the water temperature is relatively low required heater or heater to reach optimal temperature relatively stable.
f. Water PH Range Between: 6.5-7.
Breeding Techniques catfish
Nurseries catfish: Nurseries catfish is an attempt to get the seeds of good quality, and the amount is insufficient demand. the traditional way of catfish seedlings obtained by capturing of natural habitat like, Rivers, lakes, swamps and other places. Seeds for commercial purposes should be sought as much as possible with breeding in the pond. Preparation and steps are as follows below.

Choosing brood ready Pijah
Parent pangasius to be in Pijah preferably in advance specifically maintained beforehand with maintenance intensive. During maintenance of the parent fish given special foods that contain high protein. And aside from that given also rucah 2 times a week as much as 10% bobt fish mains. These steps are taken to accelerate the maturity of the gonad.
The characteristics of the parent catfish mature gonads and ready for pijahkan. as below.
1. Females
a. Age 3 yearsb. The size of 1.5-2 kgc. Enlarged abdomen towards the anusd. Stomach feels soft and smooth when in touche. Cloaca swollen and crimsonf. The skin on the abdomen flabby and thing. If around Cloaca pressed will come out a few eggs were circular and uniform magnitude.
2. Male parent
a. Age 2 yearsb. Size 1.5-2 kgc. Flabby abdominal skin and thind. If in the sequence will be out of semen whitee. Gender swollen and crimson
f. Hormone preparations peransang / gland hipifise from donor fish, gold fish as usual
Stimulating hormone is made by using carp pituitary gland. The pituitary gland can be found in the brains of goldfish. White and small cuckup. Then take Carefully using tweezers. Having taken insert a small tube into and mash until smooth nicer if you make really smooth ddan lebut. Mixed with water or pure (distilled water) that you can buy at a nearby pharmacy.
3. Married syringe (induce breeding)
After pituitary gland mixed with pure water (distilled water) has been provided, taken with a syringe and injected on the catfish. And catfish ready to be cultivated. Mating injection method is applied to stimulate the female catfish parent to remove the egg to the next in buahi by the male catfish.
4. hatching eggs
Eggs that have been in buahi will trickle in about 4 days at the latest. During the waiting egg dripping water conditions need to be monitored, and replace the water partly with water from water wells coexist.
5. Care Larva
Seed catfish old one day be transferred into the aquarium or tub measuring 80 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm. It could be in other sizes. Each aquarium or tub, filled with well water that has been aerated Bor. Fish stocking density is 500 individuals per aquarium, aerators placed in each aquarium to be in need of oxygen so that the seeds can be fulfilled. And to maintain the stability and room temperature and water temperature, use can also use a heater or stove to save costs. Day-old seed is not required to give additional food from the outside, because they have a reserve of food in the form of yolksac or egg yolk. on day 3 fish seed in the given supplementary food emulsion of egg yolk yellow chicken stew. And then gradually replaced with live foods such as (moina cyprinacea) or also commonly known as water fleas or mosquito larva. See also How to Farming Fish Feed Offers Maggot.
6. Separating
Seed catfish raised on a pond stocking or a tub of cement. And more good in muddy pond, because many contain (plankton and phytoplankton) As a natural feed.
7. Harvesting
A. Seeds catfish can be harvested in accordance with the size that we want.B. enlargement Maintenance: Maintenance enlargement aimed at the fulfillment of catfish consumption, catfish consumption there berbgai measure, among others, 200 grams to 1 kg. Harvest time to adjust to market demand. And some parts are more happy small size approximately 200 grams even more. At the age of 6 months catfish have reached a weight of 400 to 600 grams.
So you have to listen, Business Opportunities Small Capital How Aquaculture helpful Patin.Semoga and so The Road to Success in Your Business
entrepreneurial home business. thanks.

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